Orientation for University of Michigan GEAR UP families was a success this weekend!

This past weekend, nearly 40 parents and family members joined their University of Michigan GEAR UP students on campus in Ann Arbor to kick-off junior year of high school. 

Futurez (GEAR UP's reference for their students) have been with GEAR UP since seventh grade and are now heading into a critical year of high school. This year, the theme of the GEAR UP program is college readiness, as it's never too early to start. 

While Futurez toured campus a bit and took a practice SAT, parents and families engaged in their own orientation, which included a rigorous day of guests, content, and conversation about what it means and how it feels to be a parent preparing your child for high school graduation, college, and beyond. 

In addition to engineering the overall orientation day, Hampton Consulting specifically engaged with parents during a session entitled, "GEARing UP Your Student for College: The College Application Process." Parents and family specifically learned more about the Common Application, the various elements of the college application process, as well as specific writing content that Hampton Consulting will be working with Futurez on throughout thirteen workshops this academic year, in addition to continuing to work with parents. 

The energy, dedication to Futurez, and inquisitive nature of how to be the best support system possible not only throughout the college application process, but during college, was phenomenal and inspiring! Hampton Consulting is eager to work with GEAR UP Futurez and parents and family this year and beyond.