Fitzgerald is a bustling community with numerous businesses that are thriving and growing businesses that contribute to the overall success of our city and its communities. The Fitzgerald Community Business Collective (FCBC) is here to support you! As we witness the growth of our economy here in the city, we dedicate our work to ensuring that growth includes you. By the business, for the business.
FCBC aims to empower our neighborhoods by engaging businesses in the Fitzgerald and surrounding areas to encourage involvement in a community-driven revitalization of the corridor.
Membership requirements:
Individuals who operate a business (or businesses) in the Fitzgerald or Bagley Community.
Be enthused about contributing to growth within the overall community.
Program Benefits
Professional Headshots for Your Business
Business Spotlight on Social Media, Website and Newsletter
Participation in Community Events
Free Printing at the SCP Facility
Funding Opportunities for Improvements and Development
Network of Community Leaders and Decision-Makers
Stay Connected
Interested in learning more about the Fitzgerald Community Business Collective? Sign up for our newsletter to receive news from the collective.
For more information, contact